vineri, 18 noiembrie 2011

News Release assignment

QuadCooler Launches Coolest Laptop Cooler

Timişoara, Timiş, November 16, 2011

QuadCooler, famous for its quality laptop cooling products, launches a new, even more shock resistant cooling pad this winter, the QuadCooler 4.

Since the popularity of laptops has grown, so has the need for accessories and devices that ease the work and maintain the computer at its best functioning. The latest cooling device, Quadcooler 4 will be launched this winter. “It is much more robust and still light. Its design is very futuristic, needless to say that its compact size offers me the possibility to carry it wherever I want,” said IT specialist Andrei Podrumar, proud to be one of the first testers of the product.

Strong yet lightweight, 4 fans, balanced cooling, USB connectivity - powered by laptop, all these features in just one device that will make the difference in the well functioning of your laptop. For only $29,95 you can extend you laptop`s life up to two more years. QuadCooler 4 will be available on starting 1st December, 2011.

Our customers are used to quality and long lasting producs and it is always a challenge to come up with new ideas and improvements. But I am very proud of the new QuadCooler 4 and I highly recommend it to every laptop owner that cares about using the computer at its best condition,” said George Delean, one of the inventors of QuadCooler.

After thorough reserch and tests on how to extend the life of a laptop, the QuadCooler team discovered that in 23% of the cases, laptops malfunction due to overheating. Heaving this in mind, in 2008, former IT students George Delean and Alex Banciu, launched the first laptop cooling pad, named QuadCooler. Ever since, they specialized in cooling devices, launching even better cooling pads and fans every year.

For futher information regarding QuadCooler products please visit the homepage using the following link:

To join the QuadCooler social media community please follow the company on Twitter at and Facebook at

vineri, 7 ianuarie 2011

Zâmbet în dar

În perioada 06- 20. 12. 2010, AVON luptă pentru un scop nobil. Prin campania Bucuroşi de oaspeţi! AVON are în prim plan o acţiune caritabilă cu scopul de a strânge fonduri pentru a le cumpăra cadouri de Crăciun copiilor din centre de plasament din fiecare judeţ al ţării.

Debutul campaniei va fi marcat de Balul caritabil Bucuroşi de oaspeţi! care va avea loc în seara de 6 decembrie. La acest eveniment vor fi invitate persoane din viaţa publică, care doresc să ne sprijine în realizarea acestui scop. 

Deoarece campania doreşte să aibă impact asupra unui public mai larg, vor fi difuzate spot-uri, atât la radio cât şi la televizor, prezentând modalitatea prin care fiecare poate să contribuie la BUCURIA copiilor.


Fântâna Prieteniei

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 Dacă izvorăşte din sinceritate.
 Cum apa-ţi spală mâna pe care-o murdăreşti,
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 Ca apa când eşti însetat,
 Prietenia nu lasă sufletul să moară.
 Îţi dă putere când tu ai renunţat,
 Şi te ajută să nu mai doară.
 Când totu-n jurul tău încet se topeşte…
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 Când totu-n jurul tău e rece şi se transformă-n ceaţă…
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 Fântâna Prieteniei niciodată nu-ngheaţă.